Is it a bank's job to help its customers save money? The more customers' deposits remain in the bank, the more the bank can use the money to invest, so yes. It's also the right thing to do. But how? How does a bank move people to care about saving money, instead of spending money? What if the bank hacked the algorithms? What if the bank turned modern marketing on its …
No “Country” for Holocaust Deniers or Other Factless Conspirators
Haters are having a hard time pumping the socials full of hate, right now. No, their venomous fangs have not gone dry. Social media platforms are starting to enforce their own codes of conduct. Accountability—it's not just for breakfast anymore. F to the B Finally Tells Holocaust Deniers to Shove Off Monika Bickert, VP of Content Policy at Facebook wrote these words on the company's blog (published on …
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Make A New Arrangement on Pinterest and Make It Stick
Pinterest wants more makers to make more pins on its visually-rich social media platform. More pins lead to more views and more interest from advertisers. It's a business. Andréa Mallard, the firm's CMO wrote a letter about what's moving her and the brand forward today. These days, by lunchtime, I feel like I’ve felt all the feelings I’ve ever known. From heartbreaking headlines to infuriating soundbites to …
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Facebook Is A Multi-Way Mirror; What You Put In Front Of It, Determines What You Get Back
Is Facebook the doom machine? The Social Dilemma, a new documentary-like film from Netflix, makes the case. One of the technologists in the film, Jaron Lanier, makes the case (in the film and in many other instances). To varying degrees, we all make our cases against F to the B. Some of us quit the platform if we can. We tolerate it if we can not. Others enjoy the …
Karen Wants Her Privacy
"Karen" wants her privacy. Come to think of it, so does "Ken." I like this commercial because it is awkward. For me, peak awkward happens when the coworkers speak in emoji. "Read heart emoji. Blue heart emoji. Puke emoji!" The spot offers the technorati a funny takedown of the quantified life and a well-earned poke in our social sharing ribs. Oddly, the heartbeat rate and the …
Social Media Platforms Make Mountains of Money On the Back of Someone Else’s I.P.
Who do you want to program your screens? Who do you want to take you for a digital ride? It's a fundamental question for consumers of information. When you choose the social media platforms as your answer, you become the product that they monetize via your daily obsessions and rapt attention, which is now the default position for millions of "thought workers," thanks to the power of the scrolling spell. When you …