Thanks to Greedy Girl for pointing to Dove’s new Campaign For Real Beauty.
Greedy Girl says, “I
By David Burn
Thanks to Greedy Girl for pointing to Dove’s new Campaign For Real Beauty.
Greedy Girl says, “I
David Burn is the co-founder, editor, and publisher of David joined the ad agency business in 1997 as a copywriter and then worked for seven agencies in five states prior to launching Bonehook in 2010. Today, David is a writer, brand strategist, and leader of creative teams in Austin, TX.
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“I love Adpulp, man! The analysis is awesome.” -Ian Schafer
Of course, advertising (effective and not) has been about projecting false realities for as long as anyone can recall.Yep. Greedy Girl views this as “creating positive futures” for ourselves; maybe occasionally it does. More often I suspect it helps us to fashion an unhappy present.
Perhaps Dove does represent a move away from this unhappy practice.
“An unhappy present” is preceisely what leads so many to the plastic surgeon’s office–a growing trend I find totally disgusting.
As we continue to discuss ethics in advertising, one area that needs to be closely examined is the practice of airbrushing images. The women on magazine covers and in ads, do not, in fact, look that way in real life. Yet, too many real women want to emulate this falseness.
Here again, we have blatant false advertising and we can see the results, plain as day. Not pretty.
Princes Leia’s expanding breasts
If you can dream – and not make dreams your master Kipling Apparently, if you compare the Princess Leia doll produced after the original Star Wars movie circa 1978 and the ones out today, there’s a difference. In the intervening…