Ad Age reports on Tyson Foods’ new “Giving Thanks” booklet, which features all sorts of faith-based ways to say Grace.
“People are not just buying our products, they’re buying us and they’re spending more and more time looking on the Internet and elsewhere to find out, ‘what does this company stand for,’ “ said Bob Corscadden, Tyson’s Chief Marketing Officer. Consumers researching Tyson are likely to find on the Net a chronicle of Tyson’s long history of accusations of labor violations and illegal political gifts. So a little religion couldn’t hurt.
Tyson has been developing the Giving Thanks at Mealtime booklets (roughly 25,000 have been sent out since the program’s kickoff in late August) for the past two years, taking its time with consumer research and working with Mr. Miller and others to determine that prayer books would indeed please rather than put off would-be purchasers. Although it has looked to tie to some faith-based organizations, “teaming with any one religious group could alienate other groups. It’s a sticky wicket,” Mr. Corscadden said.
Ben Popken says
Sticky wickets are my favorite Tyson microwavable good.