GoDaddy’s Super Bowl ad, in which a buxom woman assures a panel at a Senate hearing that her top won’t fall off during a commercial, received the highest recall rating of all the game’s advertisers, according to ACNielson. The day after the game, site visits spiked to 1.1 million, about five times more visits than a typical day.
Despite this performance, Adweek is reporting that is letting its contract with The Ad Store expire. The Scottsdale-based domain name registrar is moving its account in-house, where the focus will be on direct marketing.
Directly contradicting his firm’s Super Bowl success, GoDaddy founder Bob Parsons said, “When you do branding advertising, you really don’t know what’s working and what’s not immediately. With direct response, we’re able to track on our Web site how well each of those ads work.”
Bob Parsons maintains a blog at if you want to ask him about his decision.