Students need a break today, and not at McDonald’s. The financial burdens that come with tuition, textbooks, room and board, laptops and mobile phones, clothes, etc. can be overwhelming. Plus, there’s all the coursework, reading, writing, and attending class to do, on top of family and work obligations.
Making sure you have all the software you need is yet another pressure. For those studying design or entering a design-related field, this means Adobe’s Creative Suite, and Adobe don’t come cheap. Thankfully, Adobe knows that most students can’t pay the premium. Hence, the following price promotion.
Students Save 60 Percent on the Adobe Creative Suite
Make the Leap and Never Settle
According to the brand, Adobe empowers students to think creatively and communicate expressively, so they can turn their classroom ideas into college and career opportunities.
That’s the kind of sweeping brand statement that is just as likely to hurt the brand as help it. Creativity doesn’t come in a box and, like love, it can’t be bought.
San Francisco-based Pereira O’Dell made these colorful, quick-cut spots.
The campaign’s logic (unlike the hyperbolic web copy noted above) is right. “Creativity is not an outcome. Creativity is a process.”
With Adobe’s suite of tools, creative professionals—and students who are busy developing their creative skills—are better able to process raw information and make it into something more than.
That’s the desired outcome that creative use of software provides—and that clients pay for.