During the Super Bowl this Sunday, one 30-second spot costs about $5 million in media dollars. If you also load your cast with celebrities, the production costs will skyrocket as well.
What do you think it cost to shoot this commercial with Jimmy Fallon and crew? I don’t know the number but when you consider how much Michelob ULTRA the brewer has to sell to cover costs, it’ll make you pause.
Avocados from Mexico also features a Hollywood star in its Super Bowl :60. She’s unrecognizable to me in the commercial, but I do know some of her early films like Pretty in Pink.
Again, consider the number of avocados that must be grown, shipped, and sold in American supermarkets to cover a $10M media buy, plus production. Fields and fields…
The following spot for Reese’s has no celebs. It’s also the best spot of the three.
Who doesn’t like physical comedy? Also, consider that during the game, when this ad airs people will be drinking, laughing, and carrying on. It’s hard to do narrative storytelling in a chaotic setting. I appreciate that Reese’s doesn’t go there.