MSNBC: Brittany Murphy is the first celebrity Jordache jeans girl. She stars in a series of new ads for the company that became famous during the 1970s
About David Burn
David Burn is the co-founder, editor, and publisher of David joined the ad agency business in 1997 as a copywriter and then worked for seven agencies in five states prior to launching Bonehook in 2010. Today, David is a writer, brand strategist, and leader of creative teams in Austin, TX.
It would have been nice to get a “spokesmodel” who actually remembered the days of Jordache. Oh, but the memories…
Talk about brand evangelism…I am sure I pushed my dear mom to the brink of child abuse by pestering her for this particular pair of Jordache Jeans. (the ones with the horse logo stitching on the back pocket IN SILVER…sweet.)
I was convinced that those jeans were what would ensure Troy Nelson asking me to skate the (then) ubiquitous “couples skate” with him. It didn’t, BTW.
But that surely would not stop me from potentially buying a pair of those exact same jeans now…If only for the excuse to go skating around my neighborhood and really freak out the neighbors with my Jordache Jeans AND rainbow colored skates, which are still in good working order.
I’m not kidding.
Murphy is a lousy choice for a celebrity spokesmodel. All her movies bomb (except “8 Mile,” which wasn’t really *her* movie), and she bears all the physical tell-tales of an eating disorder. I’m not sure exactly what personal brand she brings to Jordache.
Wait a second, Jordache still exists?
In response to Darby, Brittany wore them as a kid, so obviously she does remember them. I read in a interview that when she loved Jordache so much that when she watched the commercials, she wanted to be a model. Looks liked it worked. Heh.
Oh yeah, about her being a spokesmodel for them. I don’t know if it’ll boost Jordache’s popularity or vice versa since they never had a famous spokesmodel before. We’ll see.