Because I’m open to new things, I clicked the sidebar ad on my Facebook Profile page. You might know the one. It says “Work for Google at Home. Learn how I make over $4000 a month part-time at home.” The visual is a wad of cash.
Anyway, if you click through to the campaign’s microsite,, you’ll be encouraged to order a book of magic tricks from Emillionaire Institute to see how it’s all done.
I wonder how Google feels about the use of their brand in this charade.
This appears to be a Pyramid-style scam. It will probably collapse soon, but not until thousands of victims (the ones doing the advertising) have been ripped off to the tune of thousands by the dastards behind the scheme.
I was conned out of 139 GBP on by this site, thankfully a member of my family works for the Fraud dept. so this being resolved quickly and are close to nailing the culprits.