H&M’s desecration of The Flatiron Building
Thanks to Room 116 for the pointer.
About David Burn
David Burn is the co-founder, editor, and publisher of Adpulp.com. David joined the ad agency business in 1997 as a copywriter and then worked for seven agencies in five states prior to launching Bonehook in 2010. Today, David is a writer, brand strategist, and leader of creative teams in Austin, TX.
John Coonrod says
After speaking with the Landmark Preservation Commission, I was informed on 30-March that:
The Department of Buildings issued nine violations for the illegal
advertising banner recently placed on the apex of the historic Flatiron
Building at Madison Square today.
The violations were:
1. Failure to comply with filed plans. Plans called for a 4-foot high
shed and they built it to 8 feet in order to accommodate the Citigroup
2. Sign on surface area is too large.
3. Prohibited advertising sign.
4. Installing advertising sign without a permit.
For the immense sign on the scaffolding:
5. Sign creates hazardous wind load.
6. Prohibited advertising sign on scaffold.
7. Sign exceeds the 40-foot height limit.
8. Surface area for the sign is too large.
9. Failure to get permit from Buildings Department.