Who needs Cialis or Viagra when you’ve got turtle eggs?
From The Seattle Times:
A campaign aimed at halting the illegal consumption of endangered sea turtles’ eggs has run into trouble before it starts, with a women’s group asking officials to block public-service announcements featuring a scantily clad model.
“My man does not need turtle eggs. Because he knows they don’t make him more potent,” Argentine model Dorismar purrs from posters in which she poses alternately in sexy bathing suits, skimpy shorts and an unbuttoned shirt and cowboy hat.
Hmmm…apparently turtle eggs are some sort of aphrodisiac. At least Mexican men seem to think so.
But seriously–it’s an interesting example that if advertisers and ad agencies continue to venture into Hispanic marketing, they’d better understand their consumers. Soda-cracker-white American ad agency execs shouldn’t automatically assume all the cultural norms translate from one country to another. Because if that was the case, Turtle Eggs would be on the menu at Waffle House, or Pfizer would be bottling them up by the bushel.