Crain Communications’ Creativity is now a quarterly, down from 10 printed issues a year.
Yet editor Teressa Iezzi says, “We are the architects of our own evolution.” I’m sorry, but print editors don’t draw up their own demolition.
She also says, “has in its relatively short life become the industry’s leading creative hub.” According to its editor, I might add.
She’s not done. Iezzi puts words in our mouths with, “Like you, we love, live and breathe creativity here at Creativity, and we believe that changing now will enable us to stay at the forefront of the discussion of its evolution.” That’s a great goal, but creative people don’t tell other people how creative they are or do their thinking for them.
Sounds like the usual this-bad-thing-that-just happened-is-actually-a-good-thing spin.
Not that you’d expect better from someone who claims “like you…we live, love and breathe creativity.” More like “live, love and breathe commenting on the creativity of others” isn’t it?
As a service worth paying good money for, I imagine their days are numbered. Other sites have the ad database thing covered (without the lame commentary) and for the rest of it, well, new campaigns are shotgunned out all over creation the minute they happen these days, so its not like anyone’s waiting around for Creativity to bless stuff before they check it out.
In fact, aside from being an easy venue for the usual suspect CDs who seemingly can’t go a week without seeing their names in print (and who we’re all sick of hearing from, as your waning readership numbers should tell you), the only thing they seem to offer most working creatives is a fairly steady stream of unwelcome and unearned attitude. Hate to break it to them, but if they were truly like us, they’d know that’s one thing this business already has plenty of.