Citizen activist, John Coonrod, made the following comments regarding our earlier post about the desecration of the historic Flatiron Building by clothing retailer H+M.
After speaking with the Landmark Preservation Commission, I was informed on 30-March that:
The Department of Buildings issued nine violations for the illegal advertising banner recently placed on the apex of the historic Flatiron Building at Madison Square today.
The violations were:
1. Failure to comply with filed plans. Plans called for a 4-foot high shed and they built it to 8 feet in order to accommodate the Citigroup ad.
2. Sign on surface area is too large.
3. Prohibited advertising sign.
4. Installing advertising sign without a permit.
For the immense sign on the scaffolding:
5. Sign creates hazardous wind load.
6. Prohibited advertising sign on scaffold.
7. Sign exceeds the 40-foot height limit.
8. Surface area for the sign is too large.
9. Failure to get permit from Buildings Department.
In the photo we posted, one can’t see the Citigroup violations, obscured as they are by a bus. Coonrod has a much bigger, more revealing image on his page.
Danny G says
Just curious–with all those violations assuming there are also fines involved, who pays the fine?
H&M’s ad agency (if they have one?
The outdoor board company who put it there?
I wonder what it would take (or what it would cost) to get people to stop doing things like this, or if it’s worth it for the publicity.
Researcher says
H&M sveper in Flatironbuilding
H&M har en j