Award show in the Middle East + Religious Imagery + Fake ad = Probably not a very good idea.
From Campaign Magazine:
The Dubai Lynx has removed all of FP7 Doha’s winning work for Samsung from its website following a request by the Korean electronics company.
The move has been made in response to the religious fall-out in Lebanon caused by an FP7 Doha ad featuring Jesus taking a photograph of a group of nuns with the new Samsung SL310W.
In a statement released by Samsung in Lebanon, the company has categorically distanced itself from the ad.
“The company did not commission, develop or approve the publishing of the religiously insensitive advertisements,” said the statement. “This advertising campaign was produced and submitted by marketing agency, FP7 Doha, without the knowledge or consent of Samsung Electronics.”
Does anyone ever check these awards shows to see if anything really ran?
I judged the show and these ads. I blogged about it extensively in March on Gods of Advertising.
The cheating involves bogus media schedules and other falsified info. We could not pull ads based on intuition. More to come on this, I’m sure. And then there’s Cannes in June.
@Steffan – This is Danny G’s baby.
Anyway, what’s disturbing to me is the ad doesn’t appear to be any good. Why do spec if it’s going to be as weak as the work you’ve actually sold?
You leant your name and presumably some credibility to this exercise. I’d be more interested in what you might feel responsible for instead of what you do not. Don’t judges in some way enable the cheating in these shows by subordinating creativity (which clients sometimes buy) to outrageousness (which clients rarely buy)?