Lewis Lazare loves him some good copy. Writing about Miller High Life’s new “World Series” spot from Wieden + Kennedy, he says:
What is now apparent is that lushly evocative copywriting will be at the heart of this campaign as it recounts vivid moments in the lives of a variety of characters. Moments that also happen to involve savoring Miller High Life.
Mikela and Philip Tarlow predicted the return of the storytellers in their prescient book, Digital Aboriginal.
Fewer people are listening, those under 25 are already out the door. The 30 second ad will be history, as far more compelling, multi-dimensional, imbedded storytelling arises. We have created a nation of digital artists and their creative expectation will redefine how we need to communicate.
Here’s what I find intriguing. The Tarlows were spot on about storytelling’s elevated importance, but not entirely right about the 30 second spot. The best in the business are simply bringing this learning to TV, as Wieden and Miller Brewing have done.
For more thoughts on this topic, please jump over to davidburn dot com.
advertisingwithoutpity says
I haven’t seen the new High Life spot from W+K but I definitely wouldn’t describe the writing in the their first spot as “lushly evocative.”
‘These are the moments that matter. Sometimes I don’t know what will come next. But then it does. Like it always does. It’s you. Your life is made up of a history of moments. It’s a scrapbook packed with the photos of your life.’
Inane and lame.
Storytelling doesn’t it work if their telling the wrong story.