People love their cars. So, it’s only natural that our ill treatment of Saab and their sorry advertising would raise the ire in Saab’s most devout brand evangelists.
Here’s what Swade, a.k.a. Steve Wade, a Saab lover from from Tazmania Tasmania has to say about us:
What a bunch of self-important, egomaniacal bufoons!
What a bunch of tossers.
We could take it personally. Swade directs his venom our way, but in reality he’s pointing to pieces we picked up from other interweb voices, and to the comments made in response. In short, he doesn’t address the ad campaign’s merits.
Ad people are talking about the ads on one hand, and car people are defending their favorite car on the other. It’s amusing, if not misdirected.
Swade says
Talk about misrepresentation. The article I wrote is over 1000 words, discusses Saab’s aviation heritage, it’s translation into the vehicles past and present and therefore the appropriateness of the Born From Jets campaign – and you pick those two sentences. The only things written….about….you.
Talk about proving my point!!
Secondly, I know you NA types have a tendency to place a ‘z’ where we have an ‘s’ in various words, but Tasmania is a place name and should remain as it is.
And puh-leeze, don’t give me that tripe saying “it wasn’t really our opinion, it was published somewhere else”. You published it because you believed it and you backed it up in comments.
David Burn says
Sorry about the spelling error. I’m truly a horrid speller.
As for the pickup from Badvertising, sure, I agree with it. What I don’t agree with is your habit of saying “Adpulp this and Adpulp that” (as you did on your site) when it’s an open thread. Say, “A commenter on Adpulp said,” or some such nonsense.