Few bloggers keep me, or anyone else, interested for long. When one does it is worth noting.
Geoff Livingston writes beautifully about marketing, and content marketing in particular, which is not easy to do.
Given the level of noise in the sector at the moment, I appreciate his insights and skilled delivery all the more. Here’s a recent clip:
Marketing is not the final product. Yet for some reason we treat it like a stand alone offering in our marketing conversations online. It’s frustrating to hear conversations about companies modeling after Red Bull, and then watch hundreds try to become a media company. Much of the resulting customer-centric content is created haphazardly with a blind eye to customer-brand relationship.
If I hear Livingston correctly, he’s saying don’t get lost in online engagement, as it may or may not be a brand-building activity. Duly noted!
In related news, Matt Kumin, founder and CEO of PublishThis suggests, “Developing an editorial voice is akin to building a brand.” Kumin also says you are what you eat, that “the content and sources that a company consumes define it as well as any outbound marketing or message that is communicated.”
Two lessons from Kumin’s piece: 1) Careful what you curate and 2) Seek out and digest highly nourishing media. The main takeaway from Livingston’s piece is concentrate on relationships with customers and then use media judiciously to support and/or enhance the brand experience.
Photo credit: Flickr user, technotheory
David, thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate the props. And you are right. Brands are about customers and the companies that serve them. Online engagement is a means, but not the end. I hope I can keep you engaged further on my blog. Thank you!