Humans have a deep need to create social hierarchies. We’re a lot like wolves in that way.
Therefore, it’s no surprise to see Always On and Technorati’s Open Media 100–a list of new media movers and shakers. Seth Godin and Steve Rubel appear to be the only representatives from marketing, which is okay, since marketing is not the most important function in the world. Social software is much better represented, as it shoud be.
This list will evolve and change just as quickly as the Open Media Revolution continues to take hold. To our comrades we over-looked, don’t fret.
This list, and other quantifying lists kept elsewhere, make me think. The truth is we all have our own lists, our own meaningful networks. AdPulp has certainly brought new people into my network. Big ad wigs like Ron Huey, Court Crandall, Kevin Lynch, David Oakley and Steffan Postaer are but a quick email or phone call away. That was not the case, pre-Pulp.
Rick Myers, the founder of Talent Zoo, is in his own category. Right out of the shoot he was there to support our efforts, not just with kind words. With money!
Then there are the bloggers: Tom Asacker, Marc Babej, Spike Jones, Evan Tishuk, Ben Popken, Piers Fawkes, Johnnie Moore, Steve Hall, Hugh MacLeod, Catherine P. Taylor, Dean Gemmell, John January, Tug McTighe and others. You kick ass!
To all, named and unnamed, I thank you (and I’m sure Danny G. and Shawn thank you) for your interest in what we do here.
Tom Asacker says
That was very nice. Thank YOU David, Danny and Shawn! YOU are all awesome. And a quick FYI, marketing IS, in fact, the most important function in the world.