One hundred million Internet users watch online video each day. So, how can a brand possibly be heard and seen above the din?
According to Venture Beat, Vimeo has launched a new marketing product called Brand Creative Fund to connect brands and filmmakers, and provide consulting services to brands on how best to create content for Vimeo loyalists.
The first brand taking part in the Fund is Lincoln Motor Co. The first short film funded by Lincoln will become available next Tuesday, April 30. Each following Tuesday, another short film and behind-the-scenes video will launch. Today, four introductory clips about the short films are available online.
“This is a new ad offering that brings brands into the Vimeo experience,” Vimeo CEO Kerry Trainor told VentureBeat. “We’ve always had ads on the site, but we don’t want to do anything disruptive.”
Thankfully, he refrains from calling this initiative Native Advertising.
“We call it Brand Creative Fund because it’s a little different than a media buy in that a brand comes to the table with funding to distribute and create media,” Trainor said.