Once upon a time, retail advertising or what’s now often called “shopper marketing” (for reasons unknown), used to take a back seat to brand-building ideas, but that’s changing. According to Ad Age, P&G is one of the companies busy changing the score.
If it doesn’t work at the store, it’s no longer a good marketing idea for Procter & Gamble Co., which increasingly is driving home this concept, known as “store back,” with all its agencies, not just its so-called shopper-marketing shops.
Andy Murray, CEO of Publicis Groupe shopper-marketing agency Saatchi & Saatchi X, said he sees store back elevating the role of shopper marketing at P&G and elsewhere. “It will bring more shopper-marketing insight work into the upstream ideation process,” he said.
For purists, this might sound like it could become draconian, but it needn’t be. Think back in time to Budweiser’s frogs from Goodby Silverstein. The frogs are retired now, but they would play well in the beer aisle. If you had Bud’s frogs at the point-of-sale, they could engage consumers with funny on-pack voice-activated pronouncements. Or you might call them up on your smart phone. The possibilities are endless.
Ad Age points out that, “the killer app of mobile media may yet be in the store, as more consumers use their mobile devices to scan barcodes and get product reviews, coupons or other promotional offers.” By bringing the frogs in as a working example, I think we can see a future where it’s not just about price or special offers. Instead, brands can shoot for a totally integrated experience that works well at every touch point.
There are at least two critical things to consider with this fluff piece:
1. Saatchi & Saatchi X is an awful enterprise. Just pathetic. Need proof? Visit their website and view the work. They are glorified producers of contrived endcap displays and shelf-talkers.
2. Procter & Gamble is full of shit too. Things “work at the store” because they employ Mafiosa-style tactics to dominate shelf space. It doesn’t matter if there’s an “integrated” sales piece or a homemade flyer with “$1.00 off Tide” scribbled with a Sharpie.
Yes, retail is a tough environment.
What I’m saying is so-called “ad” agencies need to get over their fear of the store and compete.
POS for the most part is total shit, just like most ads are. But where is it written that POS must remain so?
Fluff piece? Please don’t miss the point, while raging against poor creative. And that point is? There should be a cue to value WHEN and WHERE the purchase decision is being made.
You needed a fluff piece to come to that conclusion? Re-read the quotes from the Saatchi & Saatchi X official and tell me with a straight face it isn’t self-promoting gobbledygook. All below-the-line disciplines essentially make the same basic plea: i.e., don’t forget about us in the overall process – and let us be at the big table from jump. There’s nothing new to consider here. And it doesn’t help when your work isn’t demonstrating the need for you to be at the big table. Also, reread the original comment. It wasn’t just raging against poor creative. P&G’s role in the scenario was questioned too. They talk about the at-store imperative, yet still bombard consumers with coupons. Does anyone even buy P&G products at retail cost anymore? P&G uses tactics that ultimately devalue their brands. Not in agreement the point is: There should be a cue to value WHEN and WHERE the purchase decision is being made. Not really clear what you mean here – that every store shelf should have some type of value communicator? Please clarify.