The Good, Bad & Ugly Awards Show, established eight years ago by Advertising Women of New York, has emerged as an irreverent yet purposeful look at the way women are depicted in advertising. It is dedicated to encouraging creative, effective and positive advertising to and representative of women and highlights not only the good but also the bad and ugly
About David Burn
David Burn is the co-founder, editor, and publisher of David joined the ad agency business in 1997 as a copywriter and then worked for seven agencies in five states prior to launching Bonehook in 2010. Today, David is a writer, brand strategist, and leader of creative teams in Austin, TX.
As far as I’m concerned, gratuitous sexual imagery is a contradiction in terms.
Oh man, for a second I thought we merged this with Adrants.
Gotta admit, I’m with you, Mr. Flynt.
Had the exact same thought when I saw the headline.
And I’m sure the AWofNY’s collective hearts are in the right place with this, but I’m confused as to how these “awards” help. Sure, they provide a little press for their cause and the group. Trouble is, it’s always done by further promoting the “bad” advertising they claim to want to see less of.
David, perhaps you should modify this post and its accompanying photograph to focus on what the AWofNY consider “good” advertising for women. Otherwise, I’m afraid they may consider you guilty of helping to promote the very images they’re complaining about.
As for me, I have to admit I see humor in these ads. After I see the garter belt and cleavage of course, but I do see some humor there. Hope that doesn’t make me too despicable.
For sure, this is one of those it’s good to be bad moments (not unlike GoDaddy’s Super Bowl spots).
Plus, why should Steve Hall have all the fun?
I avoid a-n-y-b-o-d-y who is toting a syringe.
Christina Aguilera and Gratuitous Sex
Advertising Women of New York are not pleased with Christina’s latest ad:…
I agree, woman are not mere sex objects.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be back in 15-minutes…!