Levi’s wants you to experience America in its jeans. Like a miner of old, or better yet, like Jack Kerouac and Neil Cassidy experienced America in the 1950s. That’s right, the brand is “On the Road.”
See for yourself. Here’s some additional creative from Levi’s new “Go Forth” campaign (the launch of which we addressed in an earlier post):
The scratchy soundtrack and strange narration saves this spot. Without it, we’ve all seen this same pitch too many times before for a variety of brands across the lifestyle spectrum.
In related news, Todd Wasserman of BrandFreak points to this Tuscaloosa News story on Levi’s cinematic pursuit of an Americana vibe to fill a content hole on Levis.com. According to the piece, the brand finds what it’s looking for at Oasis, a biker bar on the outskirts of Tuscaloosa, a quintessential Southern college town.
Matt Addington of DuckDuck Collective, the Lynchburg, Va.-based video production company working for Wieden + Kennedy/Portland on this project says, “You hear about people getting together late at night in bars, hanging out, listening to, like, Southern rock. I think we really want to document that.”
Hear about? No, you live it. You get in there and buy people shots and do some shots yourself. You rock and roll and you document. At least, that’s my preferred method of capturing this kind of content.
“You hear about people getting together late at night in bars, hanging out, listening to, like, Southern rock. I think we really want to document that.”
I, too have heard of this bizarre ritual worth “documenting.”
I believe it’s called What Every Young Person Anywhere Has Always Done Since The Beggining Of Time. (With music genre of choice, of course.)
Glad he “heard about” it, though. Must have really broadened his horizons.