Neither did I. But apparently, it is.
The newspaper is heavily focused on local news. It keeps you informed
about events in your town and keeps local government in-line.
So for one day, Monday, Feb. 2, 2009, please make it a point to pick
up your local newspaper (reading it online doesn’t count).
It doesn’t matter if it’s a daily or weekly, right-leaning or
left-leaning. If you’re a college student and you get the school paper
for free, buy the town paper. If you subscribe, why not pick up a
second copy?
Who knows? You might like what you see and come back another day, and
another, and another…
I’m not sure who’s behind it. Does anyone know?
I subscribe to the WSJ online. Does that count?
Chris Freiberg a writer for the Daily News-Miner in Fairbanks, Alaska