Promotions typically award one or a handful of people, which means a promo has to work hard to generate buzz for it to be an effective mass marketing tool.
The latest promotion from Daffy’s, a discount clothing brand that operates 17 stores in New York and North Jersey, and one in Philadelphia, is grabbing the attention of consumers and The New York Times.
Daffy’s is starting a quirky marketing campaign centered on a contest that will award one person the kind of value not generally associated with a clothing store: a one-year lease on a fully furnished $7,000-a-month apartment in Manhattan’s West Village neighborhood at $700 a month.
Starting July 23, people can go to select Daffy’s locations and create a 30-second video explaining why they deserve the apartment. The company will post the best videos on its Web site, eventually nominating five finalists from which the public will choose a winner by Sept. 16.
Daffy’s teamed up with Johannes Leonardo for this new campaign. Jan Jacobs, co-founder of the agency said, “One thing we all have in common in New York is that we all pay too much to live here.”
This is an awesome promotion that will definitely drive traffic to Daffy’s stores if for no other reason than I’m sure there’s going to be tons of people wanting to participate in this contest. And I’m sure the videos will end up getting posted to YouTube, getting them more free press.
Really clever and exciting. I want to win!