I learned today that Court Crandall, one of the founders and principals of Los Angeles agency, Ground Zero, wrote the wildly popular farce on film, Old School. Mr. Crandall also has a children’s book coming out care of Random House. And he runs one of the more creative places in the business on a day-to-day basis.
I bet he doesn’t nap much.
Did Mr. Crandall actually have a hand in writing the screenplay or did he come up with the story it was based on? For some reason, I thought it was the latter.
Also, if I’m not mistaken, I believe Ground Zero is featured in the latest issue of CA.
This issue of CA is indeed where I read about Mr. Crandall’s outside endeavors.
He did come up with the story, but I believe he also picked up a sceenwriting credit, along with the director and two others.
Another highly collaborative business, Hollywood.
I double checked the Internet Movie Database and, oddly enough, I was right: Mr. Crandall is credited with helping develop the story, not the screenplay itself. Then again, screenplay and story credits are notoriously unreliable. So who knows?
Interestingly enough, Mr. Crandall isn’t the only agency head to hold “story creation” rights on a movie. Does anyone remember the Rick Moranis/Ed O’Neil flick “Little Giants?” Story rights for that go to TM (formerly Temerlin McClain) head James Ferguson.