Josh Spear dot com: Over the past year, I ‘ve been overwhelmed by emails and calls asking for my opinion on brands, products, design, etc. Several large companies, that will remain nameless (for now), have sought me out for my thoughts on how to beef up both their image, and their product line. As a result, I’ve been involved directly with a variety of brands in a very short time, helping to launch startups, as well as addressing problems in already well established and successful lifestyle companies–who were looking for a leg up in their industry. In response to this demand, I’m proud to publicly announce that I am launching my own consulting agency.
Josh Spear (not to be confused with Josh Rubin) is 21 years young. He is a part time student at University of Colorado at Boulder but has a very hard time staying still. He plans on moving somewhere new and exciting soon…London? Tokyo? No doubt both eventually. He’s a climber, writer, designer, trend spotter, and a DJ.
Thanks to PSFK for the pointer.
Bill says
So what is this, 2 paid advertisements before any blog? Last time I vist.
Josh Spear is 21? good luck convincing companies you know things. word of advise, you get what you pay for.
David Burn says
Okay, see ya’ later Bill.
By the way, this post is not an ad. I may put something in front of you that looks like an endorsement, but I wouldn’t be too quick to judge. I’m looking for reaction (thanks for yours). That’s why we have open comments.
Also, when I do endorse something or someone outright, I make a point to clearly state my opinion. Picking up a story on the other hand is a different beast. When I pick something up, I’m saying, “Hey, look at this!”