It should come as no surprise that a lifestyle magazine would fall in love with advertising, and those who make it and place it. In their annual run down of the best places to work (available on news stands now), Chicago Magazine, gives first place to DDB; FCB comes in at #11; Draft is #17 and BBDO gets an honorable mention. The total field covers but 25 firms, so percentage wise advertising agencies rank incredibly high.
Steve K. says
Wonder if layoffs, or lack thereof, influenced opinions?
David Burn says
According to the magazine, they worked with MRA
jay roth says
This site’s nice and yummy for creatives versus Adweek saying this account goes here and that account goes there, and AdAge where the pretty boys and their plastic-enhanced wives are shown among the glitter-oti. I’m shocked Leo Burnett wouldn’t be among Chicago’s juggernauts. In some cases, publications have put LB among the top places to work in AMERICA. I saw that three years back. Are the apples rotting?
David Burn says
I can’t speak for the condition of the apples at 35 W. Wacker, but I can point out that this was an exercise where gazing at one’s own navel paid dividends. In other words, a firm had to care about (and be good at) self-promoton, to even be considered.