Red v. Blue. That’s so over. We have a new clash of colors. Brown v. Green.
The New York Times has more:
“There’s a bias in our Congress and government against manufacturing, or at least indifference to us, especially on the coasts,” said Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio. “It’s up to those of us in the Midwest to show how important manufacturing is. If we pass a climate bill the wrong way, it will hurt American jobs and the American economy, as more and more production jobs go to places like China, where it’s cheaper.”
In other words, if the coastal Greeniacs get their way, Ohio and bordering states will surely slide into Third World status in our lifetime.
How about we drop the bifurcations? Life in America has never been as simple as the words conservative or liberal, urban or rural, rich or poor. In reality, there are countless shades of conservative and liberal, urban and rural, rich and poor.
Since we’re all in it together–literally–lets work together to bring clean manufacturing to the interior states and all states. Ingenuity is alive and well in the world. So is sharing. We can get this right. I have friends in Ohio!
There is hope for Ohio and neighboring states. As other states start running out of water (some already have) those manufacturing jobs left in the U.S. (if any) will start migrating to the Great Lake states. The only question is will there be any manufacturing left to migrate?