Online Media Daily: Ana Marie Cox, who is leaving her post as editor of political blog Wonkette to author a second book, will be replaced by two male bloggers–at least one of whom already has a feminine alter ego–confirmed Gawker Media Managing Editor Lockhart Steele Wednesday.
David Lat, who wrote “Underneath Their Robes,” for which he presented himself in print as a female blogger, will co-edit Wonkette with 20-year-old New York University dropout Alex Pareene, who penned the blog Buck Hill.
With Cox at the helm, Wonkette became one of the most recognizable names in the blogosphere. Steele said he expects Cox to occasionally contribute guest pieces for Wonkette, and that she will have am emeritus title on the masthead. The site itself will retain its feminized name, Steele said.
With the new staff, expected to be in place later this month, Wonkette will join a growing number of Gawker Media blogs authored by more than one writer. Gawker itself has two editors, as does Hollywood gossip site Defamer. The masthead at tech blog Gizmodo includes a guest editor, news editor, contributing writer, columnist, two correspondents, and three reporters. “Different blogs call for different size teams, depending on how much user flow there is,” Steele said.