I have accounts at over two dozen soc nets. You can feel sorry for me or you can build me a tool to help me manage the insanity.
Fallon, which “believes the future belongs to generous brands,” is doing the latter.
Today the agency launches Skimmer, an Adobe AIR-based desktop application that serves as a dashboard for a person’s social networks. Skimmer helps you manage your Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Blogger and YouTube accounts via one desktop interface.
Chris Wiggins, creative director on the project, says, “People spend hours every day engaging with various types of social content, yet the user interface on most services leaves a lot of room for improvement, particularly for the features used most often. If you’re going to look at something and use it all day, it should be delightful.”
Brian Morrissey of AdfreakWeek notes that Fallon also incorporates some of its associates’ lifestreams into the agency’s newly redesigned Web site.
The We Are Fallon section of Fallon.com now offers a glimpse not normally served up on the corporate site. Typically, you see a few stiff bios for the corner office crew that have been drained of life. By tapping into the otherwise personal lives of the shop’s staff, a new view of Fallon may emerge.