Venables Bell has good intentions.
Something incredible happens when you actively work to do right by people. You become utterly unafraid. Unafraid to have messy conversations. Unafraid to advocate unpopular stances. Unafraid to upend applecarts. Unafraid to hit reset buttons. Unafraid to simply be open and willing.
This fearlessness also leads to disagreement. Lively debate. Occasionally, even awkward silence. Because we will poke and prod and question in pursuit of doing something meaningful in the marketplace. If either the Emperor or that precious, board-approved marketing plan appears to us to be strolling down the avenue naked, we’re going to let you know. With respect, of course. We find there’s a reason why clients will actually listen and consider an opposing point of view or an entirely new direction: because our intentions are good.
And this agency’s clients are blue chip. Nestea, Audi, Intel, HBO and now Conoco has signed on.
Have you ever noticed how well Goodby spinoffs do? Butler Shine & Stern, Wong Doody and Venables Bell are all west coast stalwarts. It seems Goodby offers not only an invaluable education in creating great advertising, but also in running a business.