Another Monday in America.
Another lethal discharge of weapons at a Walmart store, this time in Duncan, Oklahoma.
Oklahoma, it must be noted, is an open-carry state. Oklahoma state law explicitly authorizes open carry of both loaded and unloaded shotguns, rifles, and handguns without a license.
It’s Okay To Be Afraid
I am wondering, are you scared to shop at Walmart? It’s okay to be frightened. It’s a normal response to terrorism.
Are you also scared to go to a movie, a night club, a restaurant, or a concert?
Are you sacred to send your children to school each and every morning?
The manufactured fear is weighing heavily upon us because heavily armed domestic terrorists continue to shoot innocent Americans dead. The hard part is knowing that these vigilantes will continue to shoot innocent people until we decide it’s worth the effort to stop them.
The Real Retail Apocalypse
While politicians mumble themselves into irrelevance and people die, the largest retailer on earth is now a shooting gallery.
Do we remember as far back as last summer? On August 3, 2019, a mass shooting occurred at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas. The rightwing gunman shot and killed 22 people and injured 24 others. Mexican citizens and Mexican-Americans were his explicit targets.
We, the people are suffering through a public safety crisis. Domestic terror is aslo a significant business problem for Walmart and other big box stores.
What will Walmart do? What can they do? This is not a PR problem. Securing the perimeter and the interior of the stores is a new mandate.
I personally have no faith in the government to do a thing, but business is business, and I am certain that Walmart and others do want shoppers to routinely visit their stores. Therefore, America’s wealthiest family and the global retail powerhouse that they profit by will need to find a way to make leaving one’s house a safer endeavor.
PREVIOUSLY ON ADPULP: Would You Like To Shop, Dine, Or Stay Here? Leave Your Guns At Home