Mozilla, the not-for-profit behind Firefox, was purpose-built to make the internet what it can be: an open tool for everyone — the powerful and the weak, the right and the left, everyone.
Right now, Mozilla is on a mission to unfck the internet. “On an unfcked internet, platforms will create incentives to stop fomenting conflict that traps us in a closed loop of negativity, degrades conversation, and is a breeding ground for deadly violence. Build community standards and enforce them.”
“An unfcked internet means a new bargain. Personal information will get used for our own good or the benefit of our communities, not against us.”
Idealists make new and better things happen. Firefox is better.
Company Values. Mozilla Has Them.
Here are two keys points in The Mozilla Manifesto:
Bold enough for you? Why have a manifesto if it doesn’t reach for the stars?
Unkind Browsers Are Data Vampires
I’m using Firefox right now to make this article. Are you using Firefox to read it on your phone, laptop, or desktop?
I’m also using the Facebook Container add-on, which helps prevent F to the B from tracking my movements around the worldwide webbies.
Another add-on, I recommend is HTTPS Everywhere. Go encrypted, or go home.
How are you unfcking the internet today?