Everyday I make not difficult decisions about what to post here. For instance, Bob Garfield recently wrote a book. AdPulp took a pass. Jeff Goodby recently wrote a response to said Garfield book. AdPulp took a pass. Ana Andjelic recently wrote a response to Goodby’s response (that was picked up by AdAge). AdPulp took a pass.
Here’s what we’re not taking a pass on–the response to the response to the response from Michael McDonald, founder of Atlanta agency McDonald & Little.
I read bits and pieces of Garfield’s various chaos scenarios. I have read Goodby’s riposte. I have read Ms.Andjelic’s blog and that of caprityme. Each is very articulate and linguistically gifted. However, I have no idea what they are talking about … individually and collectively.
This is not an new experience for me, but rather one that fits a pattern of cyber static that has been all too prevalent in recent times.
The verities of consumer persuasion have not been suspended by the Internet or by any technology and they never will be.
Enough of this pseudo intellectual noise.