Steve Hall likes Phil Dusenberry’s new book.
The best thing about Dusenberry’s book as that it acknowledges the basic elements of advertising which have been in place and, for the most part, have worked since advertising was invented. While some will surely take issue with this assessment, reading Dusenberry’s book makes one wonder why we’re all so worked up about weblogs, conversational marketing, consumer generated media, viral marketing, headvertising, behavioral marketing, contextual advertising, search engine marketing, podcasting, graffiti advertising and all other forms of “OH MY GOD NO ONE WATCHES TV ANYMORE SO WE BETTER COME UP WITH SOMETHING NEW” reactionary flailings. No doubt the media landscape is changing and is nothing like the days of Apple’s 1984 spot airing on the Super Bowl but many of the same basic advertising principles are still in place.
I like Hall’s take on the “new this, new that” obsession, currently sweeping Ad Land. To succeed with all these new developments, blogs included, it certainly helps to be on rock solid footing with the basics.