According to Lewis Lazare, Goodby is filling the air with the smell of fresh-baked cookies in order to drive milk sales.
Scented strips have been a staple in magazine advertising for a while. But always eager to expand the boundaries of what can entice consumers to pay attention to the ad messages, the ad industry has found a new way to come at us — scented bus shelters. Yes, you read that correctly. Bus shelters with aroma.
This unexpected twist in “outdoor” advertising is being launched and initially tested beginning Dec. 4 in San Francisco, where a number of bus shelters will be outfitted with special adhesive strips with the aroma of chocolate chip cookies. And what goes better with chocolate chip cookies than a big glass of cold milk?
Bus riders in San Francisco will find a large “Got Milk?” logo attached to each shelter, so the connection between the cookie aroma and the famous milk ad campaign developed by Goodby Silverstein & Partners in San Francisco will be clear.