‘Tis the season to evaluate agency holiday cards. Adrants has not one but three such stories in the last day, alone.
Here’s one that’s more creative than all the rest. Chicago agency, Hadrian’s Wall, sent out a card within a card. That is, they included a card from me to them inside my card. I mailed it back to them yesterday.
The most joyous time of the year is also the most hectic. That’s why we at Hadrian’s Wall are making your holiday season less stressful by taking one errand off your to-do list. This year, instead of scouring the stores looking for that perfect holiday card for us, simply seal the enclosed envelope and drop it in the mail. Then smile, knowing you can check off “send a card to Hadrian’s Wall.”
Like all great advertising, this idea relies on rock solid strategic insight. And it’s the kind of thing I’m not likely to soon forget. Score another one for Kevin Lynch and crew.