Edward Boches, Chief Creative Officer and Chief Social Media Officer of Mullen, recently remembered his former business partner Paul Silverman on his blog creativity_unbound.
I really like what Boches says here:
In his time crafting ads, winning awards and helping grow an agency, Paul was pretty well known. He didn’t really work at it, but certainly enjoyed the recognition.
However, there are many people in advertising and related businesses (digital, PR, social media) who do try. For some reason, it’s not enough to make our clients famous. We strive to be known ourselves. We believe that our name in the back of an award show book, or in the headlines of a trade magazine, or featured on a creative website actually matters. Add to that the fact that we now live in an age of personal branding, pressured to measure our worth by the number of people who follow us, or RT our content, and that quest for fame is magnified even further.
Later in the post Boches says fame is an “unworthy goal in and of itself.”