Clickz reports on Edelman’s embrace of RSS feeds for advertising purposes.
The PR firm has linked with NewsGator to offer Edelman clients a product that pairs Consumer Generate Media, display advertising and the ever-popular Web widget. Deemed “Hosted Conversations,” the just-released offering serves snippets of online discussions on specific topics into advertiser-branded ad units. The objective is to facilitate clients’ participation and awareness of online conversations relating to their brands.
The NewsGator-powered product tracks media relating to pre-specified subjects, extracting nuggets from blog posts, mainstream media, and video and photo sites. The PR firm will pluck the highest quality content from those sources based on criteria set by its clients; the choice bits will then feed dynamically into the chosen advertiser-branded units. We’re determining the “memes in conversation, who’s saying the most interesting stuff,” said Rick Murray, president of the me2revolution, Edelman’s global media lab.