Shelby Bonnie, the CEO of Whiskey Media wants to kill the tradition of buying online ads on a cost per thousand (CPM) basis.
In a guest post on TechCrunch, Bonnie argues:
OK, Advertising Week just ended… does anyone else feel like the online advertising industry is the orchestra, playing on while the Titanic is sinking?
I have been in the Internet media space for 16 years and will start by stating the obvious: The CPM has done more to stunt innovation and drag down quality products than any single thing on the Internet. Maybe it works in other mediums, but it sure as hell doesn’t work on the Internet.
It gets better…
You always get what you pay for. I believe in basic economics. If you pay for impressions, you get impressions. Is that, in the end, what marketers really want? How about engagement? How about impact? How about actually selling product? A glut of impressions has helped no one.
How about it? Are you ready to ditch CPM for the betterment of The Internet and all who use it?