Television advertising makes a big difference in national elections. People with little time or little inclination to dive deep see the campaign’s commercials and these spots define the candidate and their platform in a span of seconds, not hours.
Joe Biden’s team is doing a smart thing, communications wise, at the moment—they’re focusing on the voter more so than the candidate. Let’s watch and learn.
Politics is about people. Politics is not about personality. That’s a defect in the system, not a feature.
Will People of Color Decide the Election? I Hope So
I am reminded of LBJ and his work to advance civil rights during the tumultuous 1960s. Was he the perfect man or perfect president? No, LBJ was not. I think millions of Americans will gladly settle for Joe Biden, flaws and all, because he’s not a megalomaniac. He’s not mean. He doesn’t have a fake tan and he’s not an utter failure with more baggage than any man can carry.
Biden became Vice President on the power of hope. Do these commercials convey the power of hope? Yes, in a way, although it seems we’re on the salvation and reclamation pages, and hope will come later. Biden says Trump lacks the moral authority to lead the nation. We know this to be true, but it’s a place not to dwell.
It’s already a dark and scary time in America. Maybe now is not the best time for dark and scary commercials. Maybe now is the time to save ourselves, dust ourselves off, and get busy rebuilding a fairer, more kind, just, and inclusive society.
Biden’s commercials are working to strike a balance between attacking the nonsensical and illegal administration currently in The White House and offering a return to balance and normative presidential behaviors.
With no campaign events, no convention, and very little travel or public contact, Biden’s commercials are carrying a lot of weight. When and if there are debates, they will be important too. Right now, it’s Biden’s measured and logical approach versus misinformation and madness. Which candidate and approach to running will appeal to the American voter? No one knows for sure, but I’ve never seen more Republicans defect from their party.
Chuck Hagel Is for Biden (So Are Millions of Common Sense Voters)
“I think the President is corrupt, I think he’s incompetent, I think he’s damn dangerous, and I think this President has hurt this country in so many ways,” Chuck Hagel, who served two terms as a U.S. Senator from Nebraska and was the 24th U.S. Secretary of Defense, said to a local Rotary.
He cited President Trump’s handling of race relations, the pandemic, the Iranian Nuclear Deal, and how he trusts the word of Russian President Vladimir Putin over his own independent intelligence agencies.
Hagel has endorsed Joe Biden for U.S. President. Though they are in different political parties, and their voting records were far apart, Hagel says Biden works to bridge gaps and he listens.
Biden’s campaign’s commercials and YouTube videos showcase his listening skills and from a strategic communications POV, there is no greater point-of-difference with the current executive. One cares enough to listen and one does not.