The Lincoln Project has been hitting Don Trump hard. But there’s another attack group of former and current Republicans doing damage to Don.
Republican Voters Against Trump is amplifying the voices of the millions of Republicans, former Republicans, and conservatives who simply cannot support Donald Trump this November. These people have a great diversity of perspectives and backgrounds. But they’re united in the belief that America simply cannot afford another four years under Donald Trump.
Let’s take a look:
I like the disdain in the line, “This is a mask.” Since we are dealing with willful ignorance, it makes sense to spell it all out for people.
This next spot, “End Trump’s American Carnage,” also spells things out. If I can make out the letters, I believe they spell: C O L O S S A L D I S A S T E R.
“Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Remember that old lie? It’s still untrue.
Don’s word farts do hurt him and anyone they’re directed toward.
All of which leaves the “everyday citizen” outraged, horrified, and in some cases, frightened. Thankfully, this November Hillary isn’t on the ballot. Joe Biden is, and while he’s not the “bee’s knees,” he’s a decent, experienced man who will hire exceptionally well. The Biden Cabinet will rock.
But before we get to that better place, we must replace Sitting POTUS.
“President Trump continues to gaslight our nation. He uses social media like any online troll would do.” Yes, and that’s the least of his sins.
PREVIOUSLY ON ADPULP: Proverbial Top Hats Off To The Lincoln Project