Evelyn Rodriguez eloquently explains the three voices available to modern day marketers:
1) Professional/corporate voice has been so overdone it just rings hollow and distant; there’s nothing to separate you out from competitors as the droning blends altogether. Not very distinctive and creates barriers in communication.
2) Credible voice is where most corporate blogs should aim for. This is the voice that most salesmen aim for; they are building rapport and being a live person to another live person. It’s the European and Asian tradition of getting to know who they’re going to do business with first before signing the deal. It’s also about stories. This is rarely seen in most marketing material today.
3) Intimate voice is a bit more literary perhaps, but I think some smaller boutique firms might experiment here. It’s more raw, real, and emotionally honest and the least amount of walls between you and the reader. It seems to resonate more with the universal human condition while paradoxically being distinctive, unique and personal.