I must admit, I’m not the hugest Twitter user or Twitter fan. I only follow people I’m interested in and can’t handle an overload of it. But I can definitely see how people–and brands–can use Twitter to further themselves or their cause. And for the definitive look at it all, there’s Joel Comm’s Twitter Power: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time.
Comm covers it all, and then some: How to get started, how to respond, who to follow, and how brands of all kinds are using Twitter to build a following, resolve service issues, and stimulate discussion.
I can’t say I agree with everything he recommends (He recommends repetition, and while frequency is good I absolutely can’t stand people who repeat the same tweets and repost links day after day). But as we’ve seen lately, people from all walks of life are getting on Twitter, and a misstep can be costly. So if you’re looking to recommend Twitter to a client, Twitter Power serves as a comprehensive guide to the do’s and don’ts.
Special thanks for FSB Associates for sending me a copy for review.