Tom Asacker writing on 800-CEO-READ this morning shares this pearl:
For the record I don’t believe in the death of ordinary, or anything else for that matter. Take advertising. If I hear someone predict the death of advertising one more time, I’m going to throw up. Advertising is a huge brand enhancer. Sure, it needs to evolve to keep up with today’s skeptical and sophisticated audience. But it is certainly not dying.
The key to brand success is to understand the desired feelings of your audience and deliver that feeling with unique and relevant products, services and communications. If you can bring your diet conscious audience those feelings through innovative packaging, then do it! If you can bring your beer drinking audience those feelings through advertising, go that way.
Andreas Duess says
I couldn’t agree more. I am getting increadsingly suspicious of the voices proclaiming the death of advertising, long live the blog.
BLogs are only one tool in the armoury of the advertisier. So is the TV commercial, so is the humble shelf wobbler. You use the tool that’s right for the job. Anything else is self serving and not in the client’s best interest. Should we look at opening up frank and honest communication channels between seller and buyer? Of course we should. Does that mean the end of advertising? Of course it doesn’t.
I remember in the 1990’s a very similar scenario unfolding – only at the time it was direct marketing proclaaiming the death of advertising.
David Burn says
Of course, the great irony is that blogs and direct are themselves advertising.
What’s lacking from this discourse–aside from perspective–is proper terminology.
Advertising is not dying. Old-style, one-way, shove it down their throat advertising is withering, while better formats (like blogs) emerge.
Andreas Duess says
Exactly. Top down advertising developed because the available media was structured along the priciple of the ‘few talking to the many’.
Now, with blogs and wikis, the ‘many talk to the many’ and the communication models we use in advertising will need to adapt to that change. Personally I believe that we should even drive it. It’s always better to be at the helm rather than trying to play catch-up.
hugh macleod says
I don’t think the Slush Pile is going anywhere… it’s just getting slushier and slushier 😉