Commercial writing is still creative writing. Otherwise, it’s not writing at all, just empty words strung together haphazardly. And Lord knows, there’s an overabundance of such drivel passing as marketing communications.
Since you’re reading this via AdPulp, not Craigslist where it originally appeared, chances are good you know the value of compelling copy. Which is great, I don’t need to beat that drum any more than I already have. If you know the value of compelling copy, then it’s merely about which top notch practitioner you’re going to put on the job.
Let’s keep it simple. I’ll entertain you and your clients, in person, on Skype and via my work. That might be the best offer you get today. Let me know if it is.
BONUS MATERIAL: Self-Promo Ad #1 | Self-Promo Ad #2 | Self-Promo Ad #3