CNN reports that The Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company is bringing back their iconic Doublemint twins. The move is the company’s biggest investment in its Spearmint and Doublemint brands since they were introduced in 1893 and 1914, respectively.
Wrigley’s longtime agency, BBDO Chicago, has penned a new jingle to support the campaign.
We’re Back Jingle
We’re the Doublemint Twins
And we’re back to say
You didn’t double your pleasure
You just doubled your pain
Deodorant’s extreme
Water’s got caffeine
Even the news is mean
It doesn’t make sense
Even Yoga’s intense
Why not enjoy something that’s just fun
Like the delicious mild mint flavors of
Wrigley’s Spearmint
And Doublemint gum
Additionally, all “twins” — identical, fraternal, uncanny lookalikes, even people who resemble their pets — can participate in a casting call via the Web at or at live casting events in New York’s Times Square Studios on April 19 and Chicago’s Michigan Plaza on April 26.
They just don’t get it. Duh! Of course we want that juicy splash of Juicy Fruit flavor that jolts us into a simpler, more innocent time of our youth. What we DON’T want is the darn sugar! And the twins aren’t going to change that reality.