Overstock.com is a price play, and we all know how enticing low prices can be. It’s nectar to the price-conscious shopper.
Even so, I find the following commercial off-putting. Take a look:
Momma’s gotta shop. Really?
Well sure, if the family is to be housed, clothed, fed, transported to and fro and so on, then yes, Momma’s gotta shop.
This customer insight — or observation as the case may be — does nothing for the brand. Momma’s gotta shop, and hey ladies check it out, Overstock.com is an online store. Wow, get your credit card out.
To make matters worse (or better, depending on your POV), the Momma in this commercial is a cougar. It seems low prices excite her in more ways than one.
Um, criticizing overstock.com is like panning local car dealership spots, no? it’s probably a brand that doesn’t even need a tv campaign.
Sure, but it gives me purpose.
also, if she were a cougar, would she shoo the guy away—or woo him into the bed?