Corante has pulled out the big guns–including our friends Johnnie Moore and Tom Asacker–for its new Marketing Hub blog. Here’s a random sampling of what some of the contributors are saying.
Shel Holtz:
When I first became aware of RSS, Corante was one of the first sites I found employing the technology. I was immediately hooked; Corante provided me with literally the first feed to which I ever subscribed. You can’t imagine how honored I am to be among the nearly two dozen marketing/PR bloggers invited to provide content to the Corante Marketing Hub, particularly considering the company I’m keeping.
The Corante Network is undergoing some major changes with the rollout today of several new content “hubs,” including most notably one focused on PR and Marketing that syndicates the blogs and brains of a crazy-impressive list of contributors like Shel Holtz, Neville Hobson, Elizabeth Albrycht, Andy Lark, Evelyn Rodriguez, and yours truly, among many, many others. This should be interesting. More to come…