Al Ries writing in Ad Age says it’s imperative to describe one’s brand in three words.
Powerful, long-lasting brands are built by owning a word in the mind.
By David Burn
Al Ries writing in Ad Age says it’s imperative to describe one’s brand in three words.
Powerful, long-lasting brands are built by owning a word in the mind.
David Burn is the co-founder, editor, and publisher of David joined the ad agency business in 1997 as a copywriter and then worked for seven agencies in five states prior to launching Bonehook in 2010. Today, David is a writer, brand strategist, and leader of creative teams in Austin, TX.
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“I love Adpulp, man! The analysis is awesome.” -Ian Schafer
David Burn?
“Advertising’s Useful Idiot”
“Lacks Bias Check-o-meter”
“Practices Intolerant Tolerance”
Outstanding fun!
-Your Budweiser lovin’, Fox News watchin’ pal -or- “Conservatively Oriented Adguy”
I’m honored, particularly by the third in your series.
That was my fave as well…
Great site. Thanks for the drive-by.
Google: Your big brother
Carl LaFong; Total babe magnet.
Hey, your’e right! It does work! Thank you, Al Ries!
Thanks for the prompt David.
I’ll go one better. Two words: Positioning, schmositioning.
That old “owning a word in the mind” idea, again.
Just because it’s possible to sum up some successful brands in pithy phrases doesn’t prove that’s why they are successful.
But this positioning idea has been the justification of no end of uninspired interruption marketing. The future, I hope, is not one of trying to own bits of each other’s minds.
The future, I hope, is not one of trying to own bits of each other’s minds.
When you put it that way, Johnnie, it does sound gross. I think it’s the verb. To own implies property and a customer’s mind is not, in fact, property. Yet, I don’t want to get lost in semantics. For example, is it any different to occupy top-of-mind? Is the marketing message a mere visitor, not a new landlord, in this case?
David. You can have top of mind (e.g. when I say “soup” you think “Campbell’s.”). Just because you know it, doesn’t mean you desire it.
I’ll take depth of feelings. Feelings drive profitability in a markeplace bursting at the seems with lookalike products and services.
Thanks, but hey, I want some of what you’ve got, not tired old top-of-mind bullshit.