Normally, we like to concern ourselves with high-minded issues in communications. Therefore, I hesitate to bring you the following product detail. Yet, I’m impressed by the quality of this catalog copy, so I will.
from Tar-Jay’s web site: They call them “chastity underwear” at Blue Q, but we question whether these hot little low-rise hipster briefs would do much good in terms of guarding. In fact, we might go so far as to recommend NOT wearing them if you’re expecting to ward off any impure thoughts. They’re gilded panties, for the love of Saint Agnes. Elaborately ornamented, with a golden lock at the front and center, they are designed to “keep the royal treasures under lock and key” and even have the words “safe & secure” scrolled on the lock. Quite sexy. Wear them at your own risk. High quality, 95% cotton/5% spandex stretch fabric with gold lace trim. Available in black or cream. Machine wash. Imported.
Hats off to Consumer Whore for the find.